Friday, February 1, 2013


My body is stuck in the present, but I have developed a habit where my mind wanders in and out of reality. My imagination takes me into the past, to the future, and into situations of pure fiction. Once while on a run, my mind projected a movie into the back of my eyes of myself running through a glowing field of long grass. I was running free and smooth, but suddenly I exploded into a cloud of colors and was swept away by the wind.

I brought my muscles to the brink of tearing in an effort to stay together, but the crosswinds began to pull them apart. I was shredded into pieces then reformed only to be torn up again. Finally, I was molded into three different small animals and myself. We flailed about in the air and fell to the ground with such force that it caused all the air to be pushed out of my lungs and caused my eyes to tear. I lay on the ground feeling as if I was clubbed by a group of hooligans, but I also noticed shearing pain in my chest. It felt as if I was stabbed three times right across my breast. I kept trying to locate these holes but it took time for my eyes to adjust to the bright sky. I searched with my eyes and then with my hands, but I could find no damage to my flesh. My eyes wander to the animals and noticed that they were three rabbits. They were stunned from the fall as well, but I could sense their eyes upon me, and I noticed their muscles twitching with anticipation. Do they feel like I'm going to try to catch them?

My imaginary wounds began to burn as if someone was taking hot shards of glass, sticking them into my chest, and then raking their fingers over them. I could barely breath. No feat of genius was needed to put three and three together: three stab wounds and three rabbits must mean something. I try to completely relax my body. The pain slowly began to fade. Perhaps the pain has a  trigger? Regardless, I'm fully content to have it gone for now. I began to focus on the explosive reaction that I must create to grab these rabbits and put them back inside of me before they run. I open eyes, breath out, and fire all my muscles at once. I am on all fours and quickly get my feet underneath me, and I start the chase. At first, they ran as a group and it was easy to keep up and follow their movements. That was until they decided to go different directions. An electric surge ran through my body as my mind calculated what to do. I cursed at the top of my lungs and this caused them to stop in curiosity. They gave me a look of excitement. Of pity?

What should I do? Chase one? Yes, capture one then the next then the last. My body breaks right. I sprint after the target number one, but my spastic mind tells my body to freeze. No, I must give chase to them all at the same time. Losing one to the world would be unacceptable.

I close my eyes and turn in a full circle on my heels and find two others staring back at me. Our eyes are identical: they are stoic gray yet tremble with desire. The rabbits. We had to find the rabbits. Crow flew after the white one with the playful eyes. Tiger left for the gray one with liquid mercury fur, and I went in search of the maroon hare.

Sadly, my mind comes back to the present, and I am struck bored by reality. I can't stop wondering what happens to those six lost specks of my imagination, and I can't stop wondering how their stories unfold.