At times, it feels like building a goal is a lot like building something out of lego pieces. Some people have a blueprint that they go off of before they start to build, while others build as they go. Regardless, it's a piece by piece process that takes substantial time to complete. But finishing your lego masterpiece is only part of the process. You have to take your goal from point A to point B, or to wherever the final destination may be. Unfortunately, the course is usually never a smooth one. It's more like an obstacle course where mistakes could cause damage to your lego model. Bumps and falls can cause pieces of your model to fall off. It is up to you if you want to pick them up or to keep moving on. Not picking up pieces could either be advantageous or it could be disastrous. But you won't know until you get to your destination. There are some people who spend so much time building their masterpiece that they move towards their destination with extreme caution. But even the most careful people can make mistakes.
I'm careful, but I can't help but feel that I dropped my lego model and that it broke into all its individual pieces. I have no choice but to pick up the parts and make a new whole. But from my new point of view, looking down onto chaos, I can't help but see that those pieces can make something completely different than what I had made before. So as I pick up the parts and being to place them together, I see new shapes and possibilities form before my eyes. I have no blue print to work on as I had before, so this process is a dynamic one. A process full of mistakes and rapid evolutions. Enough time has now passed that I am beginning to see what I'm building, and I am impressed but at the same time extremely scared of what I'm making. This new masterpiece looks nothing like what I've made before. Just the foreignness of it makes it appear difficult to carry. Will it fall apart before I can even pick it up?
I suppose that I must develop different skills and tools to carry this piece safely to my destination, but part of me cannot help but wonder what happened to my prior lego model. The dreams and hopes that I had were put into those pieces used to build my first model, but now those same pieces are being used to make something completely different. Are my prior dreams, warm and impossible as they were, still embedded in those pieces that I am using to build my new goal that is so different, so foreign that it even scares me? Do I use all the pieces that I had before or do I put some pieces aside to use for a different side goal?
Life of legos is truly a complicated one, especially when the pieces are made from your own ambitions, ideas, dreams, and fears.