Why Do I Keep Writing?
I write because I want to be a good writer. I am not a natural story teller, those who have borne through one of my many stories can attest to this fact. But I am also not one to give up.
Do I want to write novels? Maybe someday. For now, it is out of scope. What I am striving to be able to do is convey my thoughts sufficiently, efficiently, and with a touch of art. If it's a story, I want to engross the listener in the world that I am creating and when the story ends I want the listener to have to make their own conclusions. Clear cut is boring. Happily ever after is nice but still boring. What the...? Maybe he meant... is what I am after. I look for this because I want to keep the audience engaged even when there are no more words to be read. With that note, I also wish that my stories to be forgettable, in a good way of course. I want my stories to be a one-time read, something that may not pull the reader into reading it again. This is ideal so that whatever conclusion the reader comes up with stays their conclusion. Rereading, much like redoing things over and over again, may lead to some type of generally accepted conclusion (in statistics, I believe it is called a mode) among whoever has read whatever I have wrote. I do not want this. I want there to be as much varied conclusions possible.
Now, if it's something much shorter such as a text message, tweet, or whatever I want it to be short and sweet. People who use an app that allows them to go over character limits in Twitter confound me. They are straying from the point of the program but not in a creative way. In my mind, they are bending rules because they cannot make the impact that they want within the boundaries of the program. That is not how I go about things. I want to learn and play by the rules yet stand out. It's like being a good chess player, both sides have the same pieces and must play by the same rules; however, chess matches are seldom even. The best players are miles above the average. They can make an impact and that is the type of impact that I want to be able to make through writing. I am confined to a language but it will be my imagination that separates myself from others.
Isn't it strange that sometimes you can identify the author by the writing style alone? Novels, short letters, or even text messages mirror the author. I wonder if my writing style is unique.